MotoPhoto Adventure – Day 3 (Ruidoso, New Mexico)
Day 3 – May 1st, 2011
Alright, so it’s Day 3 of MotoPhoto Adventure and we find ourselves in Ruidoso, New Mexico. We woke to some snow flurries from high in the mountains and it was pretty cool. Not enough for photos but still cool.
We’re currently crashing at Craig’s friend Mike’s place here which is pretty sweet. Mike’s an old school bike/gear head and is fun to chat with. Going to be here thru Monday and heading out Tuesday morning. Of course while on this Moto ride one of the most important things to check is the weather. Some of our destinations were possibly going to be re-routed due to snow or other weather conditions which would make the riding pretty hazardous. Luckily weather in Durango, CO looks favorable next week so we’ll still be on track.
Downtime here in Ruidoso also allows me to post some of the photos from yesterdays ride.
Day 2- April 30th, 2011
Yesterdays ride from Carlsbad, New Mexico to Ruidoso was incredible. I mean taking a nice long road trip thru National Parks is cool in a car but out of this world on a bike. From Carlsbad we headed North on 285 towards Artesia. From there we took 82 to Mayhill which made a good stop for lunch. I was already stoked by the time we arrived here because of the scenery. Guys were like, just wait man, this is just the road to get to the pretty stuff. Well while having lunch I made an interesting cat named Pigpin and his wife Ms. Piggy. They were Harley riders and serious because Ms. Piggys bike was almost at 100,000 miles. Well after talking for a bit I told Pigpin I’d like to feature him in my “Reflection” book and he was down. Definitely a win for Jay Marroquin Photography and got my 2nd person for my book, only 298 more to go.
Right outside of Mayhill we made a stop at a old farm house that Ed had mentioned. It was perfect opportunity to bust out the camera and really the first time I took it out to shoot something. Just incredibly pretty. After photos we hit up a little side road (24) which headed to Piñon, NM. Well this road was absolutely incredible and a riders dream (check out the map photo at the bottom). Started off by going straight up into the mountains and was filled with switchbacks, curves, elevation changes and off camber corners for you motorsport enthusiast. It then dropped back into a valley which was Piñon. We anticipated putting gas there but when we arrived there we found out they didn’t have a gas station. Next stop was too far so what to do but ride back thru the fun stuff 🙂
Well after all the fun we needed to make some time so got on 82 and headed towards Cloudcroft. This also got us into the heart of Lincoln National Forest. Until you ride in some valley surrounded by Mountain Pines you haven’t lived, it was surreal. From Cloudcraft we took 244 continuing thru Lincoln and on to 70. From there it was a pretty straight shot to Ruidoso and Mike’s place. Anyway, enjoy the shots.
Day 2 Photos
- Me and Mooty
- Pigpin – One cool cat I met in Mayhill, NM
- Farmhouse outside of Mayhill, NM
- A shot I tried to get of this dude flying by on an old Triumph bike. Came up on me too quick and I wasn’t expecting him so couldn’t lock on focus. I like the way the shot came out anyway. Kind of a poster like feel to it.
- The Mooty man riding the Goldwing
- This was at a 90 degree left off of 244 in Lincoln National Forest
- Sweet, finally arrived at Mike’s place in Ruidoso, New Mexico.
- The absolutely blast of a road (24) outside of Mayhill, NM
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