Quotes by Jay Marroquin
I’ve always enjoyed writing and sharing my thoughts. These have normally come via Facebook status updates or shared notes. But some of you don’t use Facebook (hint, a girl I love very much) so I’ve decided to compile a list of some of my favorites. I hope you like them.
– I fear not the unknown for I will accomplish that which I’m passionate about.
– To achieve inner peace, one must let go, forgive and love more than oneself. Dream big, work hard and failure shall be a teacher, not a roadblock. Remember where you came from, be humble to others and a light to those in a time of darkness.
– Close one’s eyes and clear your thoughts. Let being been and hold fast and steady to hopes and dreams. Wake with eyes open and see the possibilities. Work hard to make them a reality.
– Let the wolves and vultures fight for scraps for there’s way more to me than flesh and bones.
– For love can destroy a man’s spirit and plunge him into the darkest depths of hell. But the same love can give a man hope and carry him until the end of time.
– There is no time nor place for racism…ever. Speak out and expose those with narrow mindsets. Cherish and embrace diversity, color, and race.
– As I sit and reminisce about things that could have been, I remind myself that things now…are things that can be.
– As I stand on the cliff’s edge with arms open, I peer down into the vast openness. Ready to take flight, hopes, dreams, and faith will be the wind beneath my wings. May dreams carry you across a thousand oceans. And the fruits of your labor lift you to the highest mountaintops.
– A thousand beautiful memories amongst the torn and ragged edges of a hundred photos.
– I enjoy the beauty of people, not beautiful people.
– You don’t change for better or worse, you simply change. How you change, however, affects people in a better or worse way.
– If I ask to photograph you, it’s because I think you’re beautiful just the way you are. I actually like you with your wrinkles, blemishes and little imperfections.
– When facing mortality, love will provide peace and solace.
Jay Marroquin – 2018