MotoPhoto Adventure – Day 26 (Canada Eh?)
Day 26 is wrapping up and what a way to say goodbye to Vancouver and Canada. The Canucks just won game 6 and are headed to the Stanley Cup Finals. That basically means the city streets just blew up and are crazy. If you haven’t been to Canada, just imagine 6th street in Austin but like twice as big and 10 times as crazy…GO CANUCKS!
Earlier today an amazing team consisting of 4 models, a makeup artist, hair stylist, stylist and photographer assistant (that would be Craig) rocked the Yaletown area capturing some amazing images. Really looking forward to editing these photos and seeing what magic we created. Check the short teaser video below and will make sure to look for the blog about Vancouver in the next few days. Heck, it’s been like 4 or 5 days since my last blog post but it’s been pretty non-stop since we arrived in Canada, Victoria to be exact on Saturday, May 21st.
Talking about Victoria, BC…I love that town. The people are way cool and damn, there are just a ton of hot women. Yes, there are also some cool cats roaming the streets for the ladies. Anyway, all of the photos on this blog post will be from Victoria, BC. We spent 2 days there arriving on Saturday via a Black Ball ferry we took out of Port Angeles. Well while waiting for the ferry we met a group of Canadian motorcyclist (the non-pirate type) who were way cool. Even though Craig and myself had already had 2 breakfast (yes 2 and I’m blaming Craig) we were invited to join the Canucks while they grabbed some food. They actually arrived just as we finished our breakfast and had just got back to where we parked our motos and that’s where we met them. Anyway, we joined them for breakfast and then sat with them during the hour and a half ferry ride to Vancouver Island and Victoria.
Arriving to Victoria, Craig and myself really didn’t have any concrete plans. We knew we were going to be in Vancouver in the next few days but nothing in regards to Victoria. I hadn’t initially planned on doing any fashion shoots in Victoria but with a very large response to a casting call in Vancouver, I decided to test the Victoria water. Sure enough, I lined up a few shots for day 2. Anyway, back to Day 1. Day 1 in Victoria was pretty chill. We found a hotel right near in the Inner Harbor area which was cool because a ton of stuff was within walking distance. Most of the day was spent walking around the town and I met with a few models to discuss the next days shoots. It was also a holiday weekend in Canada (Victoria Day) which had a ton of stuff going on around town. The hotel we stayed at happened to be next to the parliament building which was the focus of most of the celebrations. There had to be a good bakers dozen or so high school bands performing there because it was an endless parade of tubas, horns and drums on the sidewalks.
Day 2 comes around and I woke early to meet up with Anni, a Scandinavian girl with piercing blue eyes who I was looking forward to shooting. We shot for a few hours before she had to go to work. Later in the day while leaving a camera shop I noticed a group of girls, one particularly caught my attention as she was smoking and I thought it would make an excellent black and white photograph. I approached them and engaged in some small talk. One of the girls happened to be a model who recently came back from working abroad and specifically in Hong Kong. Her name was Ashley and she had a striking look. I managed to fit her in for a shoot but still had a scheduled shoot to knock out for the lovely Senora which has a very beautiful natural look. Before Ashley’s shoot, Craig and myself had lunch at a pretty sweet place and arrived while the Canucks were playing game 5. The score was 0-0 when we arrived and in 20 minutes, the Canucks scored 3 goals in a row. I’m going to go ahead and say that the two Texas banditos brought some good luck vibes to the Canucks…Well Day 2 turned out to be a really long day with me waking early (around 7am which is early for me) then going to sleep around 2am.
Next day it was on to Vancouver where a big shoot was scheduled for today and where we’re going to leave off on this blog. Next post will be about Vancouver and the craziness 🙂 Enjoy the photos and vids from Victoria BC, Canada.