MotoPhoto Adventure – Day 19 (The Lost Coast and Redwoods)
It’s Day 21 on the road and a few days since leaving Fairfield, CA. People all along the way keep asking us where we’re going and we say Vancouver, Canada but starting this morning we just say “don’t know, wherever we go I suppose”. I think it’s easier that way.
Ron joined us for the first 2 days out of Fairfield, all the way up to Eureka, CA. He had to head back Wed morning but glad he joined us for the short time because he showed us some really sweet roads. Just when you think you can’t possibly see nicer roads or more scenic views you’re amazed by something. The weather on Day 18 (rainy and cold) was definitely not the weather of preference but hey, this is a MotoPhoto ADVENTURE 🙂 There wasn’t much picture taking on Day 18. It was more of one of those “stay on the road and try not to freeze” type of riding days. Stopped at a place called The Peg for a hot coffee and then back on the road. We made it from Fairfield to Ft. Bragg, CA. FYI, when finding a cab via Google and you type in Ft. Bragg, make sure you put “CA or California”. Don’t think a cab in North Carolina is too happy with me.
So on to day 19. A day with changing conditions, a drive to the Lost Coast with some of the most technical roads I’ve been on (way twisty and crazy elevation changes) and not only that but how about going up into a cloud so thick you couldn’t see the road 10 feet in front of you and raining. Anyway, glad Ron was leading the way because let’s just say, I was being cautious 🙂 We finally emerged to a small town and hung out for a bit. Only took a few shots since the weather was still pretty poor. Well no point in hanging out so it was time to head back to civilization, get some lunch and then check out some Redwoods. Ron took us down The Avenue of the Giants which was amazing so Craig and myself found a spot to pull over and finally take some shots. Ride ended in Eureka, CA and it was now time for some dinner and much needed rest. I did manage to stay a lot drier on Day 19 which was nice. I was a cold, soaking mess on Day 18.
Day 2o saw us saying goodbye to our good friend Ron and continuing on to and thru the Oregon border. The riding conditions couldn’t have been any better so of course this means photo ops. This is pretty much where the writing stops and the photos start so enjoy. We hit up Redwood National Park in northern California which was another incredible National Park. I thought the Redwoods along the Avenue of the Giants were big, well there’s a reason this is a National Park after all. After Redwood National Park we continued our journey North towards the Oregon border where we stopped for some beautiful shots of the Pacific.
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